Monday, July 28, 2014

From One Gesture to Another ... Share!

Double Dub Checking in ...

It's the Seventh LSM of the 2014 Campaign  Two years and eight months worth of Trikke Community building, sharing, encouraging, connecting and best of all, Carving. If you have read my blogs or know of my Passion we call Trikke, you know I have an itch to share the magical machine! On July 26, 2014, I had this passion take a three point turn on me. I have learned that this was two months in the making and has got to be the best kept secret of the year!

It starts with "Ms Babble" Elise Bennett, Founder, Creator of Trikke Universe, Writer of the Trikkes O' Babble blog, Friend to many, an encouraging and supportive voice of the community and Winner/Carver of the "Double Dub Special Edition" T 12 named "THOR"! I don't know why she cooked up the crazy idea but Thank You! I am Honored and Humbled. She rallied some of the biggest names in the carving community. Ms Jeri Thompson, Author of the Trikker Chicks Blog, Ms. Debbie Bumgardner, Who's article in the LA Times still inspires and brings in calls. SouthBay Trikke (Andy Pliska, Irene and Sean Tice), Sponsor of the LSM Movement and Trikke Dealer, Trikke Academy (Ann Pirone and Fred Welch) Founders and Instructors of the Trikke Academy, National Riding Skkool, and Carving Clinikks Weekend. John Simpson of Trikke Tech, Gildo Beleski, inventor of our blessid Carving Vehicles. And in my opinion, the pair in the Community who deserve the accolades, Shannon and Kenny Houston of the Vegas Valley Trikkes. It is for their contribution not to Trikke but their contributions to some happy souls with the use of a Trikke CV's that should be inspiring to all of us. They took sharing to another level.

So, What is this three point turn they pulled on me? Unknown to me, they have been stalking me! Asking me  questions that I come to realize was background research. They were sneaky! I believe the first part in all this was the LSM  Roll out. Debbie and Andy usually do a little safety speech and inform us of our lunch spot (the place with beer!) If I don't look it, I was shocked and surprised. What's Debbie saying? What's going on? They presented me with a gift. I was being blessed and I am forever Thankful! Then the social media roll out to notify the Trikking Community. They dubbed this the "Wilson Wong Appreciation Event". Really?! Y'all couldn't come up with a better name than this? (No more secret group meetings without me, OK?) I mean, How embarrassing is this going to be? You're invited to check the announcement here -

The second part in this is an E card with the link being managed by Jeri (Thank you). With this, I issue a warning. Don't be making me cry. They are asking you to Check-in with a little note. It may seem hammy of me to be blogging this but the third part is why I do.

The Trikkes for Kkids Fundraiser is a true community effort. 100% of all donations will be dedicated to help the programs Vegas Valley Trikkes' Shannon and Kenny Houston are sponsoring  in the Las Vegas area - Special Olympics and Paralympics for kkids with special needs. Not to forget, one of the few active and successful after school Carving Clubs in a Middle School. Shannon and Kenny have invested much from their own and have dedicated many hours and days to sponsor these awesome programs. As a Community, We would like to ask for your help! Trikke Academy  is managing all the donations. Trikke Tech has offered to cut their rates substantially to help our donations go further. They also started us off by donating two Trikkes! SouthBay Trikke has stepped up to donate a CV as well and to assemble and deliver all the trikkes purchased through the fundraiser. The funds will also go towards safety equipment and riding gear. The campaign will continue for a month, until the next LSM on August 30th. We're hoping to provide their programs with as many Trikkes as we can. Along with some protective gear and hydration equipment which will be shipped to Las Vegas at SouthBay Trikke's expense.

We need you to "Step Up" and help. Whatever you can spare will help! A dollar to a hundred anything in between or more! Help Shannon and Kenny of Vegas Valley Trikke share the joy and passion we call Trikke with these wonderful kkids. Help us share and grow the  Carving Community.

Thank you for your wonderful thoughts of me and our passion. I am beyond words that will express my feelings for all of this. You guys know me so well. I graciously accept this honor on behalf of the kkids!


  1. WW, you deserve the appreciation from us all in spreading the passion! We are thankful to be on the receiving end of the fund raising efforts (Trikkes for Kkids) so that the passion is spread to our youth with and without disabilities.

    1. well I'm not comfortable being front and center. But for the work y'all be doin', I'll stand and deliver. It is for the next Gen. I need to see the dates but I'm hoping to make it out there in October. Thanks for all you and Kenny are doing. Please share some High Fives with the kids for me :)
