Sunday, September 1, 2013

Group Ride?! I don't do group rides ...

Hi Double Dub checking in.
I remembered when I caught the Passion I call Trikke. I suddenly wanted to be with others who enjoy carving as I do. Joining SouthBay Trikke as they help grow the Community has been an adventure to say the least.

This story comes with some reservation because it concerns a touchy subject. I assume Anxiety Disorders affect many people daily. I'd like to share some light on my anxiety. Lately, it's been on the rise, both in intensity and frequency. I know stress has a lot to do with it. My ability to cope has been shaken by Anxiety (panic) attacks. You may find this funny but I don't like crowds. At any given moment I can get irrational fears of being in a crowd. I know, Me? Right?!
I'll get shaky, difficulty breathing, sweaty, and ... well, we won't go there. I've learned different ways to try to handle and cope with these feelings. My anxiety is involved with other aspects in my life as well. This past LSM (Last Saturday of the Month ride) was no exception. As we gathered for an end of the ride Pot Luck affair, I was already shaky. Rather than sharing this experience with the group and expose them to a full blown panic attack, I made a quick exit.
This isn't how I am. I love our group rides. Here in Southern California, our group is so diverse and wonderful, we're amazing! I may not be as engaged as others but it's always a great time sharing the Passion. I've heard of folks using the CV's (Carving Vehicles) to rehab backs, shoulders, knees, and hips. There was mention with exploring adaptive recreation and rehabilitation and I think that's awesome! I have often called my workouts as therapy, it's true! My CV is all things cardio, strength building, weight loss, stress reliever, and socializer. Trikke CV's has helped me with my anxiety with crowds by focusing on sharing the Passion! Sure a person can get something similar by cycling, running, or whatever. It's nothing like our wondrous Carving Vehicles.
I'm sharing my story for various reasons. For one, to help myself. Being open and sharing enough to care. Two, in hopes that I might help others. No, there's no need to share what troubles you. but to know that a little carving workout does wonders. And sometimes with friends, it can be better. Three, To be kind! We may never know what a person is going through. It really doesn't matter whether we know or not. What does matter is we can be kind!
For those who have yet to experience a friendly group ride, I extend an open invitation to join us. The Camaraderie that's shared for the joy of carving is like no other. It's why I think the LSM Movement is so important. To believe in the passion, all the smiles and accomplishments that you've made can be shared. For those new to the sport, they'll be happily surprised with all they'll discover and will be sharing.
Bottom line of what I'm saying here is Get up, get out, and exercise! And no matter what you're going through, you don't have to be alone. As a friend from San Antonio says " Love somebody!"


  1. I hear you, Wilson! I am much more a one on one person, not into groups, but when Trikkers get together to carve I want to be part of it! My ability to socialize, relate to others and lead rides has been impacted strongly by two things, leadership training in Bible Study Fellowship and my time at Trikke Academy events with all of the great carvers I meet!

  2. WOW Wilson... Thanks for Sharing. Working at the post office I had a nervous breakdown from a MEAN LADY STATION MANAGER on Feb 11, 2013. I started TRIKKING in March. I know panic disorder.. and the feeling of GOTTA GOoooooooo... run away.. so I get it. and I totally get it about being around people.. and how hard that is.. I have to force myself to GO outside. But it is highly recommended by Dr.'s orders. Riding my TRIKKE has helped me with my Depression from the Stress at working, at the POST OFFICE. I NEED the friendship, the smiles, and hugs.. WHAT a GREAT Grouup of friends we have. xoxoxoxo Love ya all.

  3. Thanks for sharing your story, Wilson. I always find it refreshing when people can be honest and forthcoming about the issues affecting them. I've always been something of a loner, which surprises many of the people who know me now. I've come out of my shell a lot in recent years, but I still need my "recharge time" alone. I deal with anxiety too, but to a much lesser degree. However, I have a good friend who has full-blown panic attacks and it holds her back from doing many things, so I can fully understand what you're dealing with. One thing I love so much about the Trikke community is how friendly, open, and approachable everyone is. I'm glad it's helping you and so many others deal with things. It's a tough world we live in, and I know the stress of work and everything gets to me too, but I've come to view my Trikke as therapy. It's made me a better person in many regards: physically, emotionally and socially.
